Mint The Symbiosis

The Symbiosis is an experimental breeding model from the Angry Boars project. 
The Symbiosis is a collection of up to 3,815 unique, randomly generated symbiosis roaming on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC-721 NFTs.
This is the 3rd collection from Angry Boars universe and it is exclusive to Angry Boars and Angry Meerkats holders.
A maximum of 3815 Symbiosis can ever be minted.

To mint a Symbiosis you'll need 2x Angry Boars + 2x Angry Meerkats + 450 $OINK. Only the OINK token will be burned in the process. You will have at least 3 months to mint your symbiosis. Once a boar or a meerkat was used to mint a symbiosis, it cannot be used again for a new symbiosis.

You can also check below if a specific Angry Boar or Angry Meerkat was already used to mint a Symbiosis.

Click connect wallet, once connected follow the instructions that will appear below and then click the Mint button.

2x Boars + 2x Meerkats + 450 $OINK per Symbiosis


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Check if a Boar / Meerkat already done The Symbiosis

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